Jake and I took our 4 year anniversary photos at Pyramid Lake this summer and it was the most perfect, warm summer day in the desert. (Sooo overdue on them hahah we took them 3 months late OOPS). My girl Brooke (Brooke Shannon Photography) met us at our apartment and greeted me with a birthday gift and the biggest hug!! I adore her so dang much!!! Also the bag was covered in glitter which I got ALL over my pants and then proceeded to get all over Jake– she felt so bad since we were about to take photos hahah. Jake ran it upstairs for me, we grabbed Rocky (our pup) and we all hopped in Jake’s truck!
We headed to the hills and off-roaded like we love to do all the time! Rocky was freaking out in the back seat per usual hahaha! We hopped out and explored a bit, and then headed back to the main road. We ventured down a different side of the mountain and almost got the truck stuck haha AH. Jake analyzed the road, moved a giant rock and then gunned it and got us out!! We went flying up the mountain– the truck was literally almost vertical while I was hysterically laughing and Brooke was death gripping the door haha! Jake handled it like a BOSS!
From here we drove around and explored the desert until sundown! I’m so beyond thankful for these photos of my family and I to look back on and remember this time in our lives, forever.
Photos shot and edited by Brooke Shannon Photography
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